• 基本解释:numerous(很多的,许多的)的最高级形式
  • most numerous 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • numerous(很多的,许多的)的最高级形式

most numerous 相关例句更多>

  • Most cruise ships offer numerous options for seaworthy exercise.
  • In the country of numerous edible snail, french snail has name most.
    在众多食用蜗牛的国家中, 法国蜗牛最有名气。
  • The commodities handled By us are Best in quality and most numerous in variety.
    本店商品, 质量最佳, 品种最多。
  • Any of numerous marine fishes most of which are mouthbreeders, not used for food.
    众多的海生鱼, 多数为口育鱼, 不能食用。
  • Secondly,they are for the peasants,the most numerous and most steadfast of our allies in the revolution.
  • Numerous studies have shown that threshold running is the most effective way to improve aerobic metabolism.
    许多研究表明, 门槛跑法是促进新陈代谢最有效得方法。
  • In numerous small ornament, small containers esp. for use in the house, open interest is the most sufficient is cany small basket.




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