• 单词发音:英 [ reɪt ] 美 [ reɪt ]
  • 基本解释:rate-aided tracking equipment 速率辅助跟踪设备;remote automatic telemetry equipment 自动遥测设备
  • RATE 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 缩写词(abbr.) rate-aided tracking equipment 速率辅助跟踪设备
  • 缩写词(abbr.) remote automatic telemetry equipment 自动遥测设备
  • RATE 大小写变形: rate


  • rate 速度,进度
  • crate 大木箱,塑料分格箱
  • grate 磨碎,压碎
  • orate 演说,大言不惭的演说
  • pirate 海盗,强盗
  • separate (使)分开/分离/分散
  • Emirates United Arab Emirates (on the Trucial Coast of the Persian Gulf) 阿拉伯联合酋长国(位于波斯湾)
  • elaborate 详尽说明
  • exhilarate 使高兴,使兴奋
  • fraternize 结交,交友,(尤指)亲敌


RATE 相关例句更多>

  • The healing rate, death rate and relapse rate were compared.
  • The Nominal rate or coupon rate is the fixed interest rate on the bond.
  • Handling fee rate, and lending fee rate expressed as an annual percentage rate.
  • The oversampling ratio is the ratio of the sample rate to the symbol rate or chip rate.
  • Change in the miscarriage rate, live birth rate per cycle started, or the multiple pregnancy rate.
  • Accrual rate The rate at which interest is accrued. In pensions, the rate at which benefits accrue.
  • With the rising of heating rate the reaction rate increases, while volatiles conversion rate decreases.
    升温速率越大, 反应进行的越快, 挥发分转化率降低。
  • Financing interest rate, processing fee rate, and the total cost expressed as an annual percentage rate.
  • The demography of Xinjiang shows the features of low rate of birth, low rate of death and low rate of increase.
    人口增长模式呈现低出生, 低死亡, 低增长的特点。
  • The Relationgships of Fat Concentrations in Blood with Ventral Fat Rate, Intramuscular Fat Rate and Hepatic Fat Rate In Fan Duck




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