• 单词发音:英 [ dɪk'leərɪŋ ] 美 [ dɪk'leərɪŋ ]
  • 基本解释:宣布( declare的现在分词 );断言;申报(收益);板球(在击球员还未全部出局时)宣布结束赛局
  • declaring 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 动词(v.) 宣布( declare的现在分词 )
  • 动词(v.) 断言
  • 动词(v.) 申报(收益)
  • 动词(v.) 板球(在击球员还未全部出局时)宣布结束赛局

declaring 相关例句更多>

  • declaring yourselves the father didn't help. Move!
    总说你自己是爸爸没有用 让开!
  • Shiver, the elegy has already sung for you declaring!
    颤抖口巴, 挽歌己为你宣唱!
  • An official document or warrant declaring such an exemption.
  • Angel therefore refrained from declaring more particulars now.
  • Under invoicing, declaring less than the actual value of goods.
    在发票中, 标明货值少于实际货值。
  • He was tariffed with additional fines for not declaring the goods.
  • The pope issued a bull declaring that abortion was not approved by the church.
  • The Palestinians marked the thirteenth anniversary of the outbreak of the first intifada by declaring a general strike.
  • Donald Keough, company president at the time, responded to the accusation by declaring Some critics will say Coca Cola made a marketing mistake.
    我的神耶, 你应该看看我太太瞟我一眼时我脸上的表情。
  • Should the background color for the legend be transparent. This flag is now deprecated in favour of declaring transparency within OUTPUTFORMAT declarations. Default is off.




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