• 基本解释:蒸馏间,酿酒厂( distillery的名词复数 )
  • distilleries 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 名词(n.) 蒸馏间,酿酒厂( distillery的名词复数 )

distilleries 相关例句更多>

  • Distilleries began to appear in Europe in the middle of the seventeenth century.
  • After Prohibition, laws made production feasible for only a few huge distilleries.
    禁酒令之后, 法律只允许一些大酒厂制酒。
  • As demand flagged, many smaller distilleries closed or were bought by international drinks groups.
  • It is famous for its distilleries, which have manufactured and exported cognac since the 8th century. Population, 20, 0.
    以酒厂著称, 自8世纪以来一直制造和出口法国白兰地酒。
  • It is famous for its distilleries, which have manufactured and exported cognac since the18th century. Population, 20, 660.
    以酒厂著称, 自18世纪以来一直制造和出口法国白兰地酒。




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