• 基本解释:buildings, antennas, spans, earth formations (term used by parachutists) 建筑物;Bank-Americard Service Exchange 美洲银行卡服务兑换手续费;bioarray software environment 生物系列的软件环境;Business Assessment Study and Evaluation 商业估计研究与评价
  • BASE 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 缩写词(abbr.) buildings, antennas, spans, earth formations (term used by parachutists) 建筑物
  • 缩写词(abbr.) Bank-Americard Service Exchange 美洲银行卡服务兑换手续费
  • 缩写词(abbr.) bioarray software environment 生物系列的软件环境
  • 缩写词(abbr.) Business Assessment Study and Evaluation 商业估计研究与评价
  • BASE 大小写变形: Basebase


  • base 基础,底部
  • Base baseline 基线
  • abase 使谦卑
  • bases 底部
  • debase 降低质量(地位、价格等)
  • abases 使谦卑( abase的第三人称单数 )
  • abased 使谦卑( abase的过去式和过去分词 )
  • baselines (网球场的)底线( baseline的名词复数 )
  • databases 资料库( database的名词复数 )


BASE 相关例句更多>

  • Aim the main body toward the base, and press it onto the base.
    将主体对准底座, 并且按在底座上。
  • Powder base Apply a powder base to the face, lightening the complexion.
  • Bulbils absent near stem base. Leaf blade subtruncate or cuneate at base.
  • When ordering please advice the VISE without swivel base or with swivel base.
  • The machine base adapt meehante cast iron. the support base of the guideway is stable.
    床体底座采用米汉纳铸铁, 龙门式结构, 导轨支撑面稳定。
  • Filaments equal or unequal in length, somewhat connate at base and adnate to base of petals.
  • By the amide and aliphatic chain or alicyclic base line base connected criminal macromolecules.
  • If there are reconnaissance aircraft at the base, this base can automatically conduct reconnaissance.
    如果有侦察飞机在基地, 这基地能自动地进行侦察。
  • Quantitative wheel base adjustment mechanism can achieve test bench wheel base adjustment arrival location one time.
  • Drilling base fertilizer had no optimal effect on tobacco quality. It is appropriate to apply base fertilizer with methods of drill applying and hole applying.
    施用方法以基施为宜, 集中条施或穴施效果较好。




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