• 单词发音:英 [ wið ðə ikˈsepʃən ɔv ] 美 [ wɪð ði ɪkˈsɛpʃən ʌv ]
  • 基本解释:除…以外
  • with the exception of 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 副词(adv.) 除…以外

with the exception of 相关例句更多>

  • Most of the QA tests are going well with the exception of the ad servers.
  • But mainstream investors are absolutely not there at all, with the exception of the UK.
    但主流投资者绝对还未入场, 除了英国的。
  • All the audience were fascinated by the acrobatic show with the simple exception of Charlie.
  • With the exception of the Administration Office at CUHK, enrolment centres still operate until Saturday afternoon.
    除了总办事处外, 报名中心于星期六下午照常办公。




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