- 基本解释:angiotensinogen concentration 血管紧张素原浓度;Architect of the Capitol (D. C. ) 国会大厦的设计师(华盛顿)
- AoC 是什么意思及中文翻译:
- 缩写词(abbr.) angiotensinogen concentration 血管紧张素原浓度
- 缩写词(abbr.) Architect of the Capitol (D. C. ) 国会大厦的设计师(华盛顿)
- AoC 大小写变形: aocAOC
- aoc anodal opening contraction 阳极断电收缩
- AOC Air Officer Commanding <英>空军指挥官
- AOCM advanced optical countermeasures 高级光学对抗
- AOCP [医][=American Osteopathic College of Proctology]美国骨病直肠病学学会
- AOCS American Oil Chemists Society 美国石油化学家学会
- aocl [医]anodal opening clonus阳极断电阵挛
- CAOC combined aerospace operations center 合成航空航天作战中心
- CaOC [医] 阴极断电收缩
- caoc cathodal opening contraction 阴极收缩毛孔