• 基本解释:Arecibo, Puerto Rico 美国;activating response element 激活反应元件;activin-response element 活化素效应元件;androgen response element 雄激素效应元件
  • ARE 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 缩写词(abbr.) Arecibo, Puerto Rico 美国
  • 缩写词(abbr.) activating response element 激活反应元件
  • 缩写词(abbr.) activin-response element 活化素效应元件
  • 缩写词(abbr.) androgen response element 雄激素效应元件
  • ARE 大小写变形: are



ARE 相关例句更多>

  • Some are brown, some are black, some are orange and some are red.
  • Some are red, some are yellow, some are blue and others are white.
  • Concerning are more or less subject to envy, persons of, are advanced, are less envied.
  • People who are accomplishing a lot are doing a lot. Work and accomplishments are very closely related.
    多劳多得, 努力和成就是密不可分的。
  • There are those individuals who are profoundly intellectually disabled, but there are those that are gifted.
    有很多自闭症患者有严重的智力障碍 但也有很多天赋异禀
  • And for the same reason,those that are advanced by degrees,are less envied than those that are advanced suddenly and per saltum.
  • And what percentage of corporate laptop PCs are redundant machines that are used solely to access the company network while workers are on the road
  • Yes, the spritis are talking to me. Oh yes, they are coming in clearly. Ah another. I can acutely see them now. The spirit are very powerful today.
  • Wise people are not deluded. Those who know Buddhism are not corrupted. Magnanimous people are not jealous. Serene people are not bothered by adversity.
  • While reading, at the beginning of reading, suspects are unknown. Doubts come about gradually, and then doubts are everywhere. After this stage, doubts are cleared up and mastery is achieved through a comprehensive study of the subject. Eventually there is no doubt, and that is called"study".




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