• 基本解释:碰撞( bump的名词复数 );肿块;轻微撞车事故;隆起物
  • bumps 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 名词(n.) 碰撞( bump的名词复数 )
  • 名词(n.) 肿块
  • 名词(n.) 轻微撞车事故
  • 名词(n.) 隆起物
  • 动词(v.) 撞倒,冲撞( bump的第三人称单数 )
  • 动词(v.) 颠簸着前进

bumps 相关例句更多>

  • And those bumps act like a magnet for water.
  • The car absorbed bumps well and with great stability.
    这辆车能够很好地吸收碰撞力, 并具有很好得稳定性。
  • The car absorbed bumps well and with great stability.
    这辆车能够很好地吸收碰撞力, 并具有很好的稳定性。
  • Those metal utensils are jingling as the car bumps along.
  • When he bumps into someone, he feels obligated to apologize.
    而当他不小心撞到别人时, 他会觉得非道歉不可。
  • Genetic assimilation bumps up the reach of evolution a notch.
  • There are often bumps along the road, accidents along the way.
  • Walking upstairs to her apartment, Cindy bumps into the apartment manager, Mr. Lee.
    上楼回公寓的时候, 辛迪碰到了公寓管理员李先生。
  • Residents have appealed for more speed bumps in the tunnel to prevent racing from happening.
  • If ear film bumps in water, defeated, return can organic the president association or society
    如果耳膜在水中撞破了, 还会有机会长好?




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