• 单词发音:英 [ bɜ:rs ] 美 [ bɜrs ]
  • 基本解释:带刺的种子( burr的名词复数 );磨石;呼呼声;讲话时的r音
  • burrs 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 名词(n.) 带刺的种子( burr的名词复数 )
  • 名词(n.) 磨石
  • 名词(n.) 呼呼声
  • 名词(n.) 讲话时的r音


burrs 相关例句更多>

  • He attracts mud, burrs, and dingleberries.
  • The discs should also be checked for burrs and damage.
    同时, 检查盘是否有毛刺和损坏。
  • All surfaces are free of burrs to prevent the accumulation of dirt.
  • All surfaces are free of burrs, preventing it from accumulating dirt.
  • Use the reaming blade on the end of the tube cutter to remove any burrs
  • Also check that the adjoining pipework is clean and free from debris and burrs.
  • Each straight pin is cut, chamfered, and polished to remove burrs and enhance performance.
    每个圆柱销都需要切割, 刻槽, 剖光, 去刺和增强性能。
  • There are usually burrs in the fracture of thin sheet parts stamped with steel blanking die.
    用常规钢制冲模冲裁薄片零件, 断口常有毛刺。
  • Carefully remove smaller edges or burrs on the chamfer of the crankshaft flange with an oilstone if necessary.
    如有必要, 请用油石仔细去除曲轴法兰倒棱上的小边或毛刺。
  • Provided with a burrtrimming cutter, the biasadjustable device can remove automatically the burrs on the polished rod.
    调偏装置设计有光杆修复刀, 可自动修除光杆上的毛刺。




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