• 基本解释:computer analysis of nonlinear circuit excluding radiation 消辐射非线性电路计算机分析
  • CANCER 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 缩写词(abbr.) computer analysis of nonlinear circuit excluding radiation 消辐射非线性电路计算机分析
  • CANCER 大小写变形: cancerCancer



CANCER 相关例句更多>

  • Clinically, it is classified into cancer of colon, cancer of rectum and cancer of anus.
  • Cauliflower simple cooking, prevention of breast cancer, stomach cancer, rectal cancer.
    花椰菜简单烹调, 预防乳癌, 胃癌, 直肠癌。
  • Cervical cancer is the second most common form of cancer among women after breast cancer.
  • Prostate cancer has now oer taken bowel cancer as the most common cancer diagnosed in men.
  • Antagonizes platelet activating factor and cancer growth factor and lowers the risk of cancer.
  • With both anal cancer and penile cancer, there may be no symptoms until the cancer is quite advanced.
  • Is pus accumulated to return some cure inside cancer of terminal palace neck, vagina cancer or palace antrum.
  • Uterine cancer, ovarian cancer and testicular cancer are prevented due to the removal of the susceptible organs.
    子宫癌, 卵巢癌和睾丸癌都可以防止, 在绝育之后。
  • And just as the Tasmanian devil cancer is contagious through the spread of living cancer cells, so is this dog cancer.
    正如同袋獾的癌症 通过癌细胞活体传播 这只狗的癌症也是
  • Now cancer biologists are in the midst of their second epiphany: the recognition that tumors evolve, in Darwinian fashion, as each succeeding generation of cancer cells accumulates genetic mutations.




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