• 基本解释:包含( comprise的第三人称单数 );包括;组成;构成
  • comprises 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 动词(v.) 包含( comprise的第三人称单数 )
  • 动词(v.) 包括
  • 动词(v.) 组成
  • 动词(v.) 构成

comprises 相关例句更多>

  • The desulfurizing device comprises an absorption tower with a defogger.
  • The utility comprises a flat hook, a hand handle, a spring and a fixed axle.
  • The device mainly comprises a secondary absorption tower, a lye groove and the like.
  • The developing agent box comprises a frame which comprises the first wall and second wall.
  • The utility model mainly comprises a machine casing, a rotor, a dental plate, a sieve, etc.
    机壳, 转子, 牙板, 筛网等部件。
  • The fixing part comprises two buffers. buffer comprises a spring case and an elastic hitting rod.
    固定部分包括两个缓冲器, 缓冲器包括弹簧箱和弹性撞杆。
  • The resin compound comprises a resin, a plugging compound an accessory ingredient and fibre glass.
  • The working group comprises representatives from the fishing industry, the green groups and academics.
  • The flat panel source comprises an electron source, an electron accelerator, and an electron target medium.
    该平板源包含电子源, 电子加速器及电子目标介质。
  • A positiveworking imageable element comprises inner and outer layers and a radiation absorbing compound such as an IR absorbing dye.




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