• 基本解释:做手势( gesture的现在分词 )
  • gesturing 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 动词(v.) 做手势( gesture的现在分词 )

gesturing 相关例句更多>

  • Pointing and texting and gesturing.
  • What are you gesturing about with him?
    大牛, 你们俩还在比画什么呢?
  • The singer pointed to his throat, gesturing fatigue.
    歌唱家指着喉头, 示意自己非常疲劳。
  • She was gesturing so excitedly that I knew something was wrong.
  • She had been gesturing with one hand to emphasize what she said.
    她用一只手的打着手势, 增强她的话的效果。
  • She smiled and faintly dismissive, gesturing to the robe on his arm.
    她绕有爱好地笑笑, 略为高傲地指指他手臂上的睡袍。
  • She smiled, amused and faintly dismissive, gesturing to the robe on his arm.
    她绕有兴趣地笑笑, 略为高傲地指指他手臂上的睡袍。
  • asked Montana Slim, gesturing to him, the buddy of the men, in this lions den.
    向他示意问道, 人们的好友, 在这狮子的巢穴。
  • Additional uses of onscreen buttons or bezel touch detection could prevent accidental gesturing.
  • Hey, you two! she says, gesturing toward a young couple with arms draped around each other's waist.




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