• 基本解释:high altitude 高空;headache 头痛;Henan <中国>河南(省);height analyzer 高度(振幅)分析器
  • HA 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 缩写词(abbr.) high altitude 高空
  • 缩写词(abbr.) headache 头痛
  • 缩写词(abbr.) Henan <中国>河南(省)
  • 缩写词(abbr.) height analyzer 高度(振幅)分析器
  • HA 大小写变形: Haha


  • chad code to handle angular data 处理角度数据代码
  • hand
  • Chap chapel 小教堂
  • CHAP change priority 改变优先级
  • champ 大声咀嚼
  • charm 魅力
  • inhal inhalatio (Latin=inhalaion) (拉丁语)吸入剂
  • What's what has 什么
  • what's (尤当 has 为助动词时,what is 或 what has 的常用口语形式)
  • chardin Teilhard de 夏尔丹(即 Teilhard de Chardin ,Pierre)


HA 相关例句更多>

  • Ha, Ha, Ha.Why are you still asking
  • And then they both laughed. Ha, ha, ha.
  • Richter Crush this flea who invades my castle. HA HA HA!
  • Guess what, no difficulty can daunt a Communist, ha ha ha!
  • Cocos mother My opinion is meaningless, ha, ha, ha. Im just here to pay.
  • Ha ha ha, found a red eyelid gold whites. Lord said it was a male pigeon.
    哈哈哈, 发现一只红眼皮的金眼白。鸽主说是个公。
  • I at a sky, ha ha, there are also so many little stares, can accompany me.
    我仰望夜空, 呵呵, 还有那么多的小星星, 可以陪着我。
  • Strong Na Sen after descending the dirigible airship ha ha ha smiled a way.
  • Ha ha ha, found a carrier pigeon very pretty, like nose a bit like the first type dove.
    哈哈哈, 发现一只信鸽挺好看, 好像鼻型有点像头型鸽。
  • It has5.54 million ha of arable land,5.85 million ha of grassland and8.05 million ha of forests.




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