- 单词发音:英 [ rɪp ]
- 基本解释:[人名] 里普斯;[地名] [荷兰] 里普斯
- Rips 是什么意思及中文翻译:
- [人名] 里普斯
- [地名] [荷兰] 里普斯
- Rips 大小写变形: ripsRIPS
- rips 扯破,撕坏( rip的第三人称单数 )
- RIPS Remote Image Processing System 遥感图像处理系统
- trips 说话结结巴巴( trip的第三人称单数 )
- TRIPS tandem repeats in protein sequences 在蛋白质序列串联重复
- TRIPs trade Related Intellectual Properties 与贸易有关的知识产权
- thrips 牧草虫
- strips 条,带( strip的名词复数 )
- Strips 服装
- STRIPS Separate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal of Securities 本息可剥离式债券
Rips 相关例句更多>
- Whoever rips up the agreement will be condemned.
- There are no rips, or stains anywhere in this book.
- When the cell feels it's ready to go, it rips apart the chromosome.
- The bullfighter tries to rile Ferdinand, and finally rips open his shirt.
- Please get the newspaper away from the little boy before he rips it apart.
- Please get the newspaper away form the little girl before she rips it apart.
- rips labial skin with the hand When the lip is exuvial , do not use hand tear, lest bring about, bleed.
用手撕唇皮当嘴唇蜕皮时, 勿用手撕掉, 以免导致流血。
- Nancy rips Denise's Tshirt off and slaps her in the breasts with her right hand and then again with her left.
- Chase was breathing hard. His chainmail shirt and the tan leather tunic under it had big rips from the claws.
蔡司气喘如牛, 他的链甲和内衬的皮甲上有深深的爪痕。
- Does end of left hand little finger receive the issue that rips fracture to accompany extensor tendon to rupture to disable about deciding?