• 基本解释:restored stationary-phase viability 恢复稳定期生存能力
  • Rsv 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 缩写词(abbr.) restored stationary-phase viability 恢复稳定期生存能力
  • Rsv 大小写变形: RSVrsv


  • rsv research safety vehicle 研究安全运载工具
  • RSV Revised Standard Version 修订标准版
  • rsvp research-selected vote profile 研究选择的投票简介
  • rsvr reservoir 蓄水池
  • RSVP Reply,if you please 请回复
  • RSVR reservoir 蓄水池
  • Dyersville [地名] [美国] 戴尔斯维尔
  • Blairsville [地名] [美国] 布莱尔斯维尔
  • Bowersville [地名] [美国] 鲍尔斯维尔

Rsv 相关例句更多>

  • RSV is the prime cause of bronchiolitis.
  • Investigation on the RSV infection of the aged patients
  • Conclusion RSV is one of the important pathogen of neonate pneumonia.
  • Grand hotel is to be rsv Monday night 10 th to Friday night 14 th for you.
  • RSV Gird on sackcloth and lament, O priests, wail, O ministers of the altar.
    现代中文在祭坛事奉的祭司们啊, 要穿麻衣痛哭!
  • The presence an associated skin rash supports the likelihood of RSV infection.
    如果患者同时出现皮疹, 则支持呼吸道合胞病毒感染。
  • RSV Lament like a virgin girded with sackcloth for the bridegroom of her youth.
    现代中文哭吧!你们这些人, 像少女因未婚夫死了而哀哭。




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