• 基本解释:亡命夺宝;疯狂世界
  • Rat Race 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 亡命夺宝;疯狂世界
  • Rat Race 大小写变形: rat race

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Rat Race 相关例句更多>

  • The dance last night was a rat race.
  • Don't try to keep ahead in the rat race.
  • If you win the rat race, youre still a rat.
  • He decide to get out of the rat race and buy a small farm.
  • The Economics of Cast ant the Rat Race and Other Woeful Tales
    种姓等级经济学, 劣等种族与其他悲惨故事
  • The dance last night was a rat race. It was too noisy and crowded.
    昨晚得舞会又吵又挤, 简直是一团糟。
  • The party last night was a rat race. It was too noisy and crowded.
    昨天得派对真是混乱, 真得是吵翻天又挤到不行!
  • Dad wants to get out of the rat race and move back to his hometown.
    要是我找出那个出卖我的卑鄙小人, 他就活不长了。
  • The flooding began flushing out rat holes around the lake, triggering a literal rat race for higher ground.
    洪水开始淹没湖四周得老鼠洞, 迫使老鼠纷纷奔向高地。
  • The flooding began flushing out rat holes around the lake, triggering a literal rat race for higher ground.




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