• 单词发音:英 [ əʊvə'læpt ] 美 [ oʊvə'læpt ]
  • 基本解释:重叠的
  • overlapped 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 形容词(adj.) 重叠的
  • 动词(v.) 部分重叠( overlap的过去式和过去分词 )
  • 动词(v.) (物体)部份重叠
  • 动词(v.) 交叠
  • 动词(v.) (时间上)部份重叠

overlapped 相关例句更多>

  • Way deep into the night. Curtains almost overlapped, itching.
  • The overlapped operation was aborted due to the closure of the.
    已关闭, 重叠的操作被中止。
  • The research approaches of Public Administration always overlapped.
  • A New Technology Study on Overlapped Absorbed Peak of Infrared Hybrid Gas
  • Hierarchical overlapped block disparity estimation and adaptive compensation for stereo images
  • The glass holder which can be rotatablely overlapped is arranged in the front end of the tablet.
    在写字板的前端, 设有可转叠的杯架。
  • The resonance frequency can be obtained by analyzing the toothwaveform overlapped on the main response waveform.
    通过提取叠加在主波上的锯齿波波形, 测试出其谐振频率
  • Correction of severe congenital blepharoptosis by suspension of frontal muscle flap overlapped with orbital septum aponeurosis flap
  • Study on the Apparatus for Detecting, Imaging and Locating the Metal Block Covered Based on Overlapped Flexible Eddy Current Sensor Array
  • Before illustrating what a typical worker thread looks like, we need to address the ways in which an application keeps track of its overlapped operations.




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