• 基本解释:Food and Nutritional System 食品与营养系统;Fresh Air for Non-Smokers 非吸烟者的新鲜空气;future air navigation system 未来空中导航系统
  • FANS 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 缩写词(abbr.) Food and Nutritional System 食品与营养系统
  • 缩写词(abbr.) Fresh Air for Non-Smokers 非吸烟者的新鲜空气
  • 缩写词(abbr.) future air navigation system 未来空中导航系统
  • FANS 大小写变形: fans


FANS 相关例句更多>

  • If ur Aaron's fans, come n join this fans club la!
    如果你是亚纶的粉丝的话, 就加入这个俱乐部吧!
  • Yes. Some are sandalwood fans, and some are silk fans.
  • Bibb to the fans after signing his name, was pleased fans away.
    比伯给粉丝签完名后, 粉丝们才高兴的走了。
  • Opera fans were like today's popular music fans. They enjoyed arias.
  • Hangzhou also specializes in making black paper fans and sandalwood fans.
  • Friends more than the summer of almost no sleep the night fans have been fans.
  • This is from Fans and for Fans, for who like the The Legend of the Condor Heroes.
  • The strong bond between Rachel and her fans can be felt from the interaction with her fans at the.
  • The power supply to the fans must be disconnected before starting work on the radiator or radiator fans.
    对散热器或散热器风扇进行作业前, 必须断开风扇的电源。
  • There are two fans behind the throne, one on each side. When the court was held, those two fans were held by the court ladies.




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