• 基本解释:Fishery 渔业;filter in situ hybridization 滤膜原位杂交;fluorescence in situ hybridization 荧光原位杂交;first in, still here 高级还存法
  • FISH 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 缩写词(abbr.) Fishery 渔业
  • 缩写词(abbr.) filter in situ hybridization 滤膜原位杂交
  • 缩写词(abbr.) fluorescence in situ hybridization 荧光原位杂交
  • 缩写词(abbr.) first in, still here 高级还存法
  • FISH 大小写变形: fishFish


  • fish
  • Fish 菲什(姓氏)
  • fishes 鱼( fish的名词复数 )
  • fished 捕鱼( fish的过去式和过去分词 )
  • jewfish 大海鲈
  • fishers 渔夫( fisher的名词复数 )
  • Fishers [地名] [美国] 费希尔斯
  • fishtail 摇摆尾翼而减缓飞行速度
  • overfish 对(鱼、渔场)捕捞过度


FISH 相关例句更多>

  • Catch fish, see fish and fish farming.
  • Fish ball, fish cake, and dried shredded fish
  • Fish Ball, Fish Pancake and Fish Caviar Production Line.
  • Industry Dried fish fishing line Fish Alga Other fresh fish.
  • National dishes include fried fish, fish curry and fish soup.
    本土菜包括炸鱼, 鱼肉咖喱和鱼汤。
  • Mandarin fish is te best one of the fish. The chef fish in a special way.
  • In the internet era, quick fish eat sloe fish buit not big fish eat small fish.
    在互联网时代, 不是大鱼吃小鱼, 而是快鱼吃慢鱼。
  • Derived dishes grilled fish smell gluten mandarin fish, broiled fish, carp Peng gluten.
    衍生菜品臭桂鱼烧鱼面筋, 彭鲫烧鱼面筋。
  • Fish and prawn fried fish with cream sauce fried fish with Tartar sauce fish a la Russia
  • The fish with fatty acid high content has Fish of salmon, chub mackerel and green beautiful fish and tuna kind.
    脂肪酸含量高的鱼有鲑鱼, 鲐鱼以及青花鱼类和金枪鱼类。




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