• 基本解释:弗里德(Alfred Hermann,1864-1921,奥地利著述家、记者,曾获1911年诺贝尔和平奖)
  • Fried 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 弗里德(Alfred Hermann,1864-1921,奥地利著述家、记者,曾获1911年诺贝尔和平奖)
  • Fried 大小写变形: fried



Fried 相关例句更多>

  • One Fried green vegetables or Fried kidney bean.
  • Fried beef The only fried dish in themeal, very crunchy. Yum.
  • The staple food has boil dumplings, noodles in soup, fried noodles, fried rice.
    主食种有水饺, 汤点, 炒面, 炒饭等等。
  • Fried beef River is one of Guangdong dishes to bean sprouts rice noodles, beef fried into.
  • There are the fried pancake, the fried noodle, the fired Chinese rice noodle and fried rice.
    我们有油葱饼, 炒面, 炒粉和炒米饭。
  • Singapore Style Fried Noodles Fried Noodles with Assorted Seafood, Sliced Pork and Vegetable.
    炒面配各式海鲜, 肉丝和蔬菜。
  • We have fried shrimps, fried shrimps with egg white, fried shrimps with walnuts and fried shrimps with olives.
  • Well have a piece of wine soaked fried fish ships, a dish of hotchpotch, a dish of fried broccoli and bean curds in casserole.
    要一个溜鱼片, 一个全家福, 一个炒西兰花, 一个砂锅豆腐。
  • For just 35 cents you can chow down on batter-fried prawns, grilled beef, fried fish and roasted sparrows which, we 've been assured, taste like chicken.
  • Iron bowl urgent fire fries ovine liver of right amount cooking oil, salt, gourmet powder, the liver that wait for a sheep is fried to eight maturity, put leek to be fried in all, ripe hind edible.
    铁锅急火炒羊肝, 待羊肝炒至八成熟, 放入韭菜共炒, 熟后食用。




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