• 基本解释:Fast Random Enquiry Display 快速随机询问显示
  • FRED 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 缩写词(abbr.) Fast Random Enquiry Display 快速随机询问显示
  • FRED 大小写变形: Fredfred


  • fred figure-reader electronic device 图像读取器设备
  • Fred 佛瑞德
  • Freddy [男子名] 弗雷迪 Frederic,Frederick等的昵称
  • freddie 弗雷迪(Fred的异体亦作Freddy)(m.)
  • Alfredo 阿尔费雷多面条(Fettuccine Alfredo)。特指用干酪,黄油及奶油等酱汁调拌而成的意大利宽长面条(pasta)。
  • alfredo 阿尔费雷多面条(Fettuccine Alfredo)。特指用干酪,黄油及奶油等酱汁调拌而成的意大利宽长面条(pasta)。
  • Frederick 弗雷德里克(男子名)
  • Frederico (Frederico)人名
  • Fredericks [人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 弗雷德里克斯取自父名,来源于Frederick,含义是“弗雷德里克之子”(son of Frederick)
  • fredericton 弗雷德里克顿(加拿大东南部城市)(新不伦瑞克省省会)


FRED 相关例句更多>

  • Fred fed Ted bread and Ted fed Fred bread.
    弗雷德喂特德吃面包, 特德喂弗雷德吃面包。
  • Fred fed Ted bread, and Ted fed Fred bread.
  • No no no Fred. No no no wait Fred, Fred wait!
    不不不弗雷德。不不不, 等一下弗雷德, 弗雷德等一下!
  • Fred came across the money he thought he had lost.
  • We only have a nodding acquaintance with Fred as we've met him twice.
    我们与弗雷德只是点头之交, 因为我们只见过他两次。
  • Fred and Dolly are about to leave the jungle when Fred sees something.
  • Fred accidentally stepped on Bobby's foot, and Bobby made something of it.
    弗雷德无意中踩了博比的脚, 博比就借此找他打架。
  • Harry decided to humor Fred by acting like he was grossed out by the toffee.
  • Fred halted at another set of pressure doors and accessed the control panels.
  • Until Fred Gage came along, brain scientists accepted the idea that the neurons, or brain cells, you were born with were all the brain cells you would ever have.




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