• 基本解释:合作,配合,协助( cooperate的第三人称单数 )
  • cooperates 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 动词(v.) 合作,配合,协助( cooperate的第三人称单数 )

cooperates 相关例句更多>

  • Cooperates with other accounting staff to perform month ending closing.
  • We anticipated hand in hand cooperates with you, altogether creates magnificently.
    我们期待与您携手合作, 共创辉煌。
  • Simultaneously we sincerely were anticipating cooperates with you, communal development!
    同时我们真诚期待着与您合作, 共同发展!
  • Conventional study furniture cooperates to be decorated compactly, can reflect a lasting appeal more.
  • Cooperates with Finance Department to assist the customer with financing and accounts receivable conrol.
  • We can give preferential benefit the price, the solid satisfactory service cooperates sincerely with you.
    我们会以优惠的价格, 实在的满意的服务与你真诚合作。
  • Acupuncture and Moxibustion Cooperates with the Point to Inject and Treat Obstinate 32 Cases of Facial Paralysis
  • Operation Differentiate card takes acupuncture point, acupuncture point of the head and limb, truncal Shu cooperates to use.
    操作辨证取穴, 头部与四肢, 躯干腧穴配合使用。
  • This is pardonable what the industry since meeting agitate cooperates in what pay platform to go up before this is general guess.
  • Calendar is given priority to with animal picture, the asinine picture that Mr. Zhao cooperates with Huang Zhou is very sapid. Original, mr.




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