• 基本解释:<英>四周有棚的儿童床( cot的名词复数 );帆布床
  • cots 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 名词(n.) <英>四周有棚的儿童床( cot的名词复数 )
  • 名词(n.) 帆布床
  • cots 大小写变形: COTS


  • COTS Checkout Test Set 检测设备
  • scots surveillance and control of transmission system 传输系统监视与控制
  • Scots 苏格兰的
  • SCOTS surveillance and control of transmission system 传输系统监视与控制
  • Escots 护送
  • cotswold <英>科茨沃尔德丘陵,科茨沃尔德长毛绵羊
  • apricots 杏( apricot的名词复数 )
  • cotswolds 科茨沃尔德丘陵地带(英国西南部)
  • Coquelicots 科克利科


cots 相关例句更多>

  • Any agency that works with the shelter would have to provide cots.
  • My Approach into the Properties of Cots and Aprons on Roving Frames
  • Later, cots adsorption of dust and impurity particles were moved to a belt.
    而后, 胶辊呼附的灰尘与杂质颗粒被迁徙至胶带上。
  • My View upon the Cot Inserting Allowance on Hardness and Surface Roughness of Cots.
  • Adjust blade II pressure business card printing and membership card making COTS pressure.
  • Because the greater part of my old cots, aging, elastic pressure would not be appropriate.
    因为不新胶辊不小都老化, 不塑性不强, 不抬力不适宜不小。
  • On either side of the lounge were emergency rooms with cots, an anteroom, and a toilet room.
    两边的休息室是急诊室的床, 一个接待室, 一个厕所室。
  • if the adhesive layer with a thick, which increase the height of a uniformly cots, malta adhesive layer.
    如果胶层较厚, 可提高匀胶辊高度, 将胶层减薄。
  • Additional lifejackets and flotation cots for small children and babies will be given out by the cabin crew.
  • Additional life jackets and flotation cots for small children and babies will be given out by the cabin crew.




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