• 基本解释:反攻,反击( counterattack的名词复数 )
  • counterattacks 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 名词(n.) 反攻,反击( counterattack的名词复数 )
  • 动词(v.) 反攻,反击( counterattack的第三人称单数 )

counterattacks 相关例句更多>

  • repulse the repeated counterattacks of the enemy
  • We fought off German counterattacks until sunrise.
  • I'm sure they'll defend fiercely and try to score through counterattacks.
    我确信他们会凶狠的防守, 并且会通过防守反击来得分。
  • The company leader led his men against the repeated counterattacks of the enemy.
  • Soviet tank counterattacks against the flanks of the Leibstandarte were repulsed.
  • In the past, rapid counterattacks had always driven the Soviets back in confusion.
    在以前, 快速的反击总是会能够让苏军浑乱地撤回去。
  • Theoretically large assistance losses during counterattacks due to the countered player being absent.
  • AA It is clear that they came with a hope not to lose, and maybe to try to catch us on counterattacks.
    很显然他们希望不输球, 也许通过防反尽力来击败我们。
  • But that right cannot, and should not, be confused with counterattacks or acts of military provocation.
    但是, 不能也不应将这种权利与反击或军事挑衅行为相混淆。
  • And running and proved to be better in every facet clever triangulated passes, counterattacks, audacious moves and blistering shots.




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