• 基本解释:Ladysmith, South Africa 南非,莱迪史密斯机场(代码)
  • LAY 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 缩写词(abbr.) Ladysmith, South Africa 南非,莱迪史密斯机场(代码)
  • LAY 大小写变形: layLay


  • play 比赛
  • allay 减轻,缓和
  • delay 推迟
  • layer 层,层次
  • player 演员
  • replay 重播,重放
  • PLAYER physical layer controller 物理层控制器
  • Player [人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 普莱耶职业名称,演员或音乐家或绰号,运动优胜者来源于中世纪英语,含义是“表演”(to play)
  • display 陈列,展示
  • Bricklayers Union Bricklayers


LAY 相关例句更多>

  • a lay member of a religious order
  • Sit down, lay your head, lay your head.
  • Behind lay nothing but defeat, ahead lay the certainty of victory.
  • It will lay waste to appetite. It will lay waste to social confidence.
  • Lay for Muggers lay for the unsuspecting pedestrian in the dark alley.
  • Take one of rams, and Aaron and his sons shall lay their hands on its head.
    你要牵一只公绵羊来, 亚伦和他儿子要按手在这羊的头上。
  • Take the other ram, and Aaron and his sons shall lay their hands on its head.
  • we lay on the ground to grieve, we lay on the ground out of compassion for human life.
    我们躺在地上追掉, 我们躺在地上出于对人命的慈悲心。
  • Drink coffee when they should lay down their dessert, snack time is to lay down their coffee cup.
    饮咖啡时应当放下点心, 吃点心时则放下咖啡杯。
  • Bring the bull to the front of the tent of meeting, and Aaron and his sons shall lay their hands on its head.
    你要把公牛牵到会幕前, 亚伦和他儿子要按手在公牛的头上。




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