• 基本解释:police officers (复数)警官;postal orders (复数)邮政汇票
  • POs 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 缩写词(abbr.) police officers (复数)警官
  • 缩写词(abbr.) postal orders (复数)邮政汇票
  • POs 大小写变形: posPoSPosPOS


  • pos <美口>便壶,夜壶(po的复数)
  • PoS Port of Service 服务点
  • Pos posizione (Italian=position) (意大利语)(左手在提琴指板上的)把位
  • POS Point Of Sale 销售点
  • post 邮政
  • Compos components 成分
  • postdate 填迟…的日期
  • proposition 提议
  • impossibilities 不可能(性)( impossibility的名词复数 )

POs 相关例句更多>

  • Just a pos at night.
  • POS closing process after business a.
  • My car is a POS. It’s always breaking down.
  • If the pos is specified, then only the at position pos is cleared.
    如果指定重置位, 则只重置被指定的那一位。
  • However I will relay the delay to the arrival of the POS to operations.
  • Double check the wine label and bin number against the POS printed order.
    重复检查酒标, 酒号, 以避免价格出现在酒瓶上
  • This will help you to level up even more quickly Final fantasy xi gil is pos
    希望他跟真正爱的人在一起, 绝不会阻止
  • A hybrid approach to word segmentation and pos tagging ACL poster Nakagawa, T.
  • Over a number of advertisements. However, there is a danger in this. It is pos
    广告中连载。然而, 这样做
  • Turn the red cap on the air vent valve pos. 7 anticlockwise for quick filling.




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