• 基本解释:progesterone receptor 黄体酮受体
  • PRc 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 缩写词(abbr.) progesterone receptor 黄体酮受体
  • PRc 大小写变形: prcPRC


  • prc price 价格
  • PRC People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国
  • PRCA prostate cancer 前列腺癌
  • PRCP power remote control panel 电源遥控板,遥控配电盘
  • PRCS President of the Royal College of Surgeons <英国>皇家外科医师学会会长
  • prcd priced 附有定价的
  • prcu power regulation and control unit 功率调节与控制装置
  • PRCU pressure ratio control unit 压力比控制装置
  • PRCD [医][=progressive rod-cone degeneration]进行性视杆视锥变性


PRc 相关例句更多>

  • Law of the PRC on Officers in Active Service
  • Regulations of the PRC on Administrative Reconsideration
  • Partners for one year, he was admitted as a lawyer in PRC.
    年后, 他获准以律师执业。
  • Responsible for general accounting, tax related issues and PRC reports.
    负责公司总帐, 涉税事宜及国内报表业务。
  • Provisional Regulations of the PRC on Tax Collection and Administration
  • Civil proceedings within the territory of the PRC shall abide by this Law.
    凡在中华人民共和国领域内进行民事诉讼, 必须遵守本法。
  • And the great achievement of the foundation of PRC is based on his tremendous, bold and unrestrained daring.
  • Wu Gang, vice director of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the PRC, addressed the forum.
  • On postgraduate education of ideology of frontier defense, fire fighting and security troop in Armed Police Academy of PRC
  • Executive of the Hong Kong SAR of the PRC said that the unification of the currency could help Asia to achieve unification.
    谈未亚洲济模, 香港特别政署政荫, 统货币助亚洲统者亚洲统。




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