- 基本解释:land attack warfare system 对地攻击战系统;low altitude warning system 低空警戒系统;light aircraft warning system 轻型飞机告警系统;Leadership and World Society 领导阶层世界协会
- LAWS 是什么意思及中文翻译:
- 缩写词(abbr.) land attack warfare system 对地攻击战系统
- 缩写词(abbr.) low altitude warning system 低空警戒系统
- 缩写词(abbr.) light aircraft warning system 轻型飞机告警系统
- 缩写词(abbr.) Leadership and World Society 领导阶层世界协会
- LAWS 大小写变形: lawsLaws
LAWS 相关例句更多>
- And besides, even if the laws could do that, why this set of laws?
- A New Mode of the Relationship between Public Laws and Private Laws
公, 私法关系模式的选择
- Unlike federal laws, state laws only apply within a state's borders.
不象联邦法律, 州法令只适用于本州领域。
- Locally passed laws are of superior authority to those laws passed in Moscow.
- The applicable laws of this Agreement are the laws of the people's Republic of china.
- Instead, these laws and laws around the world use the rather awkward analogy of property.
这些法律和世界各地的法律都 使用财产似的笨拙的类比。
- The Dialectical Relationship among Knowing Laws, Obeying laws and Using laws for Juvenile People
论青少年知法, 守法和用法的辩证关系
- The Relationship between the Autonomous Laws and Regulations and the Common Local Laws and Regulations
- Annul all old laws and decrees which restrict the peoples patriotic movements and promulgate new, revolutionary laws and decrees.
废除一切束缚人民爱国运动的旧法令, 颁布革命的新法令。
- Regarding the legal liabilities for deceptive advertising, there must be applicable laws and applicable laws must be complied with.