• 单词发音:英 [ ʃi ] 美 [ ʃi ]
  • 基本解释:她,它
  • She 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 代名词(pron.) 她,它
  • She 大小写变形: sheSHE


  • shed 棚,库
  • shear 剪羊毛
  • shell (贝、卵、坚果等的)壳
  • usher 引座员
  • she's she has 她(已经)
  • she'd she had 她已经
  • sheave 滑车轮,槽轮
  • shelter 遮蔽(物),庇护(处)
  • shepherd 牧羊人,羊倌
  • seashells 贝壳,海洋贝类(seashell的复数形式)


She 相关例句更多>

  • She accidentally let out that she was a spy when she was drunk.
  • She is a woman of her word because she repaid the loan exactly when she said she would.
  • She was absent completely so much so that she often forgot whether she had her meal or not.
    她非常地心不在焉, 自己有没有吃饭都不记得了。
  • She started ice skating when she was four and she became a skating champion when she was ten.
  • She did not see why when she was alone she would be less good a diner than when she had a guest.
  • She told me that she was easily angered sometimes. She told me that she got angry easily sometimes.
  • She did not feel she had any sound reason to rebut him, although she still did not find it acceptable.
    她觉得自己也没有充分的理由可以反驳他, 虽然心里是不服。
  • She thought that if she armed herself with all the knowledge she could gather she could handle anything.
  • Becky supposed she would be glad of that, and she tried to believe she was glad of it, but she found she was not certain.
  • She hasn’t been acting like herself lately and now all of a sudden she told me she wants some space and that she needs time to figure things out. I guess nice guys really do finish last.




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