• 基本解释:satellite early warning system 卫星预警系统
  • SEWS 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 缩写词(abbr.) satellite early warning system 卫星预警系统
  • SEWS 大小写变形: sews


  • sews 缝( sew的第三人称单数 )
  • ASEWS Airborn and Surface Early Warning System 空降地面早期报警系统
  • oversews 缝合( oversew的第三人称单数 )
  • Dibisewszky 迪比谢夫斯基

SEWS 相关例句更多>

  • Rain cloud, such as line MiMi sews and buds.
    雨丝如线, 将流云和花蕾密密缝缀。
  • Her mother laborious sews the cotton fabric.
  • Confound it! Sometimes she sews it with white
  • and the sky which sews and sews, tirelessly sewing
  • Idea sews on the clothes to cover up a hole with this pattern.
    意, 用这个图案缝在衣服上遮盖住破洞。
  • If sews did not pasted on time, coal gas would come out from the.
    如果不糊上, 裂缝里就会冒出煤气。
  • Then the surgeon sews the donated cornea onto the opening of the patients eye.
    然后, 将捐赠者的角膜的缝入患者眼内。
  • The courier will depart next day, she's told. She sews a warrior's gown all night.
    明朝驿使发, 一夜絮征袍。
  • Section work. Each operator on the assembly line sews only one part of the garment.
  • His clean and pure Mi sews one eye to clean and purely looking at small, but greet to him together with everyone.




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