• 单词发音:英 [ ˈrɑːðə(r) ðæn ] 美 [ ˈræðər ðæn ]
  • 基本解释:(要)…而不…,与其…倒不如…;instead of sb/sth 而不是
  • rather than 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • (要)…而不…,与其…倒不如…
  • instead of sb/sth 而不是

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  • Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth.
  • You love evil rather than good, falsehood rather than speaking the truth.
    你爱恶胜似爱善, 又爱说谎, 不爱说公义。
  • Most of the time he states rather than conveys, and gossips rather than writes.
    大部分时间中, 他只是述事不立言, 谈论而不写作。
  • Gentleman unity, rather than collusion, collusion villain, rather than unity.
  • People with thought are brave rather than cowardly, aggressive rather than submissive.
  • Many carbonate masses older than Middle Palaeozoic are of dolomite rather than calcite.
  • Tenancy were a small number of remaining Rikida Limin, its for mature fields rather than abandoned fields.
    租佃馀力田者是少数吏民, 其地为熟田而不是荒田。
  • Achievements are reached by hard work rather than recreation. Actions are done after thorough consideration rather than casual decision.
  • he is no longer hand-fed, and has been retrained with rewards to swim away from, rather than toward, all boats other than his ' walk ' boat.
  • Alkali treatment is the antithesis of enzyme digestion, for it is harsh rather than gentle, nonselective rather than specific, and cheap rather than expensive.

rather than的近反义词




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