• 单词发音:英 [ ˈreitiŋ ˈeidʒənsi ] 美 [ ˈretɪŋ ˈedʒənsi ]
  • 基本解释:评级机构
  • rating agency 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 名词(n.) 评级机构

rating agency 相关例句更多>

  • bond rating agency
  • He held Moody's, a rating agency, for too long.
  • But defaults are about to rise sharply, says Moody's, a rating agency.
    但是如果公司破产会迅速增加, 评估公司穆迪的人如是说。
  • On February 4th Fitch, a rating agency, downgraded Russia by one notch.
    在2月4日, 金融等级评估公司菲奇调低俄罗斯一个等级。
  • So that brings the idea of some kind of rating agency, Morningstar type.
    由此产生了类似晨星的债券评级机构的 想法。
  • But that's actually what's going on in the rating agency sector every single day.
    但实际上,这种运作模式 日复一日地出现在评级领域里。
  • But the rating agency also has concerns, both about Goldman and about its Wall Street peers.




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