• 基本解释:[人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 罗普斯 Roper的变体
  • Ropes 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • [人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 罗普斯 Roper的变体
  • Ropes 大小写变形: ROPESropes


  • ropes 栏索; <非正>规矩,习俗
  • ROPES remote on-line print executive system 远程联机打印执行系统
  • gropes 暗中摸,摸索( grope的第三人称单数 )
  • Gropescu 格罗佩斯库
  • tropesis [医] 倾向,动向
  • yokeropes 操舵索
  • allotropes 同素异形体(allotrope的复数形式)
  • Phalaropes 法拉洛佩斯
  • misanthropes 厌恶人类者( misanthrope的名词复数 )

Ropes 相关例句更多>

  • His opponent pushed him in against the ropes.
  • Attach smaller ropes to big ropes with the Bachmann knot.
  • Huffington is adept at fighting with her back to the ropes.
  • So the soldiers cut the ropes of the dinghy and set it adrift.
  • Let people go back aboriginally using knotted ropes for simple reckoning.
  • The adventurer awoke to find himself tied down to the ground with long ropes.
    这位冒险者醒来, 发现自己被长绳捆在地上。
  • The adventurer awoke to find himself tied down with long ropes to the ground.
    这位冒险家醒来, 发现自己被长绳捆在地上。
  • You need to huddle together with someone who really knows the ropes and can give you good practical advice.
  • Thanks for helping me get adjusted at work and also for showing me the ropes. I can’t express how grateful I am for your help.
  • At the end were acrobatics and dancers who performed swallowing knives, spitting fire, climbing the flag polls, walking on tight ropes.
    后随百戏舞队, 吞刀吐火, 缘幢走索




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