• 单词发音:英 [ ˈsɜːtʃ endʒɪn ] 美 [ ˈsɜːrtʃ endʒɪn ]
  • 基本解释:(互联网上的)搜寻引擎
  • search engine 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • (互联网上的)搜寻引擎
  • search engine 词态变化: 复数: search engines

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search engine 相关例句更多>

  • Addy Finder is a Free people search engine.
  • The search engine also warned it may slow down search speed.
  • This field is used by the Advanced Search Engine as a Limiter.
  • Use your favorite search engine to find additional links on Stirling engines!
  • System to achieve a simple search engine function. Tencent crawl site data base.
  • The more inbound links you acquire, the higher your search engine ranking will be.
    你获得的链入站点越多, 搜索引擎排名越靠前。
  • Microsoft plans to address business search engine Yahoo launched a new round of offensive.
  • In the information age, the search engine to search, that means the death of the enterprise.
    在信息化时代, 搜索引擎搜不到的企业, 就意味着死亡。
  • This is a search engine service business is absolutely flagrant, also be defeated not to rise.
  • With the web now home to 800 million pages, Oslo-based Fast Search & Transfer (FAST) has developed a search engine capable of scanning over 200 million of them.
    现在,互联网上共有八亿多个网页。总部设在奥斯陆的快速查询与传送公司Fast Search&Transfer开发了一种可扫描二亿多个网页的搜索引擎。




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