• 单词发音:英 [ si:d jə: ] 美 [ sid jɪr ]
  • 基本解释:结实年
  • seed year 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 结实年

seed year 相关例句更多>

  • We must reserve some of this corn for next year's seed.
  • In year four, again, there was nothing from the bamboo seed.
    到了第四年, 竹子还是没有发芽。
  • This year I broadcast the seed and it has made weeding difficult.
    今年, 我播了种子, 这使得除草变得困难了。
  • If you plan for a year, plant a seed. If for ten years, plant a tree.
    一年得草, 十年得木。
  • If you plan for a year, plant a seed. If for ten years, plant a tree.
    一年树草, 十年树木。
  • If you plan for a year , plant a seed.If for ten years , plant a tree .
  • Technique and applied effects of avoiding off seed year of Ginkgo biloba
  • Seedlings are produced from the same year seed rain or the soil seed bank.
  • By the end of a year the little seed and grain shop had developed its trade considerably.
    到年底, 那个卖种子和粮食小店的生意有了相当大的发展。
  • Summary on Pivotal Measures of Promoting Emergence Seedling to Breeding Maize Seed in Badly Drouthy Year




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