• 单词发音:英 [ ˈpenitreit ˈɪntuː ] 美 [ ˈpɛnɪˌtret ˈɪntu ]
  • 基本解释:进入;洞察,看穿;深入
  • penetrate into 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 进入
  • 洞察,看穿
  • 深入

penetrate into 相关例句更多>

  • They can penetrate into the enemy's rear area to gather information.
  • The fluid can penetrate into pores because it has zero surface tension.
    这种流体得表面张力为零, 所以可以渗透到微孔之中。
  • Those who love nature always desire to penetrate into its utmost recesses.
  • We are able to penetrate into the fundamental causes of the events under consideration.
  • They start out as tiny molecules that are small enough to penetrate into your hair shafts.
    它们开始时是微小的单分子, 能够进入发根。
  • Dissect Factor of Trouble Party Member and Cadre in Enterprise to Penetrate into Study Theory
  • The concept of management and cost efficiency has begun to penetrate into university management.
  • Now and then, there exists the phenomenon that a few sperms penetrate into egg, while polyspermy is few.
    有多精入卵现象, 极少数卵子多精受精。
  • These organisms penetrate into snails, multiply, and develop into cercariae, the infective form for man.
  • And he left his boat, entering the hole as an open door being so narrow that only one man could press himself to penetrate into it.
    山有小口, 仿佛若有光。




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