• 单词发音:英 [ put tu: ] 美 [ pʊt tu ]
  • 基本解释:使(某人)进入[处于](某种状态);在…上添加…;把…毁掉;用(某种方法)检验
  • put to 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 使(某人)进入[处于](某种状态)
  • 在…上添加…
  • 把…毁掉
  • 用(某种方法)检验

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  • The vet says amputate or he'll have to be put to sleep.
    兽医说要么截肢, 要么只有安乐死。
  • Karl was hard put to find a good excuse for his absence.
  • To put to an improper, unworthy, or degrading use abuse.
  • The ship is unable to put to sea on account of the gale.
  • The ship was unable to put to sea on account of the gale.
  • His aim is to put to sea several times to the African slave trade.
  • any woman using unnatural powers or secret arts is to be put to death.
    行邪术的女人, 不可容她存活。
  • Sometimes, however, the ability of bars to deform appreciably in torsion is put to good use.
    但是, 有时要利用杆件在扭转时具有可观变形的能力。
  • And when you have seen it, you will be put to rest with your people, as your brother Aaron was.
  • New sound absorption materials are being steadily put to the toto the environment protection industry.
    本公司将不断推出新型吸声材料, 发展环保产业。




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