• 基本解释:Qualitatswein eines bestimmten Anbaugelbietes (German=quality wine from a specific region and made with added sugar) (德语)富含糖分的,来
  • QbA 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 缩写词(abbr.) Qualitatswein eines bestimmten Anbaugelbietes (German=quality wine from a specific region and made with added sugar) (德语)富含糖分的,来
  • QbA 大小写变形: QBA


  • QBA Quebecair 魁北克航空公司
  • QBAA Quality Brands Associates of America 美国质量牌号联合会
  • QBAC Quality Bakers of America Cooperative 美国合作社的高级面包师
  • RQBA Royal Queensland Bowls Association 昆士兰皇家地滚球协会
  • qbasic Qbasic语言




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