• 单词发音:英 [ set aʊt ] 美 [ set aʊt ]
  • 基本解释:动身; 出发;着手;安排
  • set out 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 动身
  • 出发
  • 着手
  • 安排

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  • They set out in incongruous detail the limits of abuse.
    在结构性的涨价面前, 这两项看上去都不协调。
  • We waited out the storm all night, and set out in the morning.
  • Mary felt out of it as she watched the others set out on the picnic.
    玛丽看到别人都出发去野餐, 因自己未被邀请而感到难过。
  • We set out to buy furniture and regular household items to get set up.
  • Set up the system and applications to meet the requirements you set out earlier.
  • People set out with a lot of ambition andenthusiasm, and start out with a big goal.
  • We understand and agree to abide by the rules and regulations set out in this pamphlet.
  • Technology and methods set out in the mine has guiding significance to carry out polymer flooding.
  • Estonia is convinced that the treaty should set out clear standards that States are bound to abide by.
  • Set out to see myth in Western Europe from the explosive of Sung, set out from the judgment day of Sung.
    从宋的火药出发看见了西欧神话, 从宋的末日出发。

set out的近反义词




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