• 基本解释:Puresa
  • Pureša 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 普雷沙
  • 普连
  • 皮朗


Pureša 相关例句更多>

  • A class with a pure virtual is an abstract class.
  • The bride in pure white wedding dress is a pretty angel and a lover of god.
  • The term element refers to, a pure substance with atoms all of a single kind.
    这个术语指得是, 纯元素得原子与所有得物质单一类型。
  • A pilot study of using pure albumin as a dialysate in the treatment of liver failure
  • Make an atonement cover of pure goldtwo and a half cubits long and a cubit and a half wide.
    要用精金做施恩座, 长二肘半, 宽一肘半。
  • Anyway, life is not a pure comedy or cothurnus, but more likely to be a combination process.
  • Interestingly, just a few months ago, I spotted the same monk attending a Pure Land retreat.
    有趣的是, 就在几个月前, 我又遇见他参加净土静修。
  • He made the atonement cover of pure goldtwo and a half cubits long and a cubit and a half wide.
    用精金做施恩座, 长二肘半, 宽一肘半。
  • And thou shalt make it a perfume, a confection after the art of the apothecary, tempered together, pure and holy
  • Is it fitting that a father in the church should leave a shadow on his memory that may seem to blacken a life so pure?




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