- 单词发音:英 [ puʃ ˈəuvə ] 美 [ pʊʃ ˈovɚ ]
- 基本解释:推翻,推倒
- push over 是什么意思及中文翻译:
- 推翻,推倒
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- Take care not to push the baby over.
当心, 别把这个婴儿碰倒了。
- The current will switch over after I push this button.
我按下这个按钮之后, 电流会被转换。
- Push the hose on and over all barbs and up to the wrench flats.
将软管推到所有倒钩上, 直到接头上搭板手的平面处。
- Seller unagree to allowance over 30 c burgher push undesirable.
- We can push that lever to help get those, candidate vaccines over the line.
- Full power straight ahead first, then push over, flapping, to a vertical dive.
- Over time you're bound to push past that limit and get injured or burned out and perform poorly.
时间久了, 您一定会超过该极限, 导致损伤或疲劳和表现欠佳。
- Experts have been quick to point out that the accident will push up global crude prices over the long term.
- Holiday season craziness combined with Dec. 31 yearend pressures push many a corporate leader over the edge.
- Gradually push forward the controls over the total amount and quota management of agricultural water consumption.