• 基本解释:Pulse Integrating Pendulums 脉冲积分摆
  • PIPS 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 缩写词(abbr.) Pulse Integrating Pendulums 脉冲积分摆
  • PIPS 大小写变形: pips


PIPS 相关例句更多>

  • A playing card marked with nine pips.
  • But do you really need to add ten pips
    不过, 你真要加十个点吗?
  • A card, die, or domino with three pips.
  • a playing card with nine pips on the face
  • Display the account and the statistics in pips.
  • Deuce a playing card having two spots or the side of a die bearing two pips.
    二点有两个点的纸牌, 骰子有两点的一面。
  • One way of doing this is to grow attractive fruits that animals eat, pips and all.
    这样做的一个途径, 就是增加能吸引动物的水果, 果仁及其它。
  • They silently removed the ensign pips from each others epaulets, and fastened the jg bars there.
    他俩默默的取下对方的少尉肩章, 换上中尉的标识。
  • Pips expectations were thwarted because his actual dreams were shattered when the truth was revealed.
  • He was just pouring the boiling water into the teapot when the nine oclock pips sounded on the radio.
    他才把热水倒进杯具里, 就听到收音机报九点的时了。




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