• 单词发音:英 [ pleis ɔn ] 美 [ ples ɑn ]
  • 基本解释:把…放在…上; 把…强加于…;重视; 着眼于
  • place on 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 把…放在…上
  • 把…强加于…
  • 重视
  • 着眼于

包含place on的单词更多>

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place on 相关例句更多>

  • The interview took place on a Friday afternoon.
  • The pure land of Buddha was actually a good place on earth.
    名是佛国净土, 实是人间福地。
  • Plus, how to land on Boardwalk and Park Place on Google Maps.
  • Executions often took place on the day of conviction or on the denial of an appeal.
  • Place on a greased steamer. Put in place over boiling water. Steam about 10 minutes.
  • No place on earth could be dearer to my heart than these few acres of wood and stream.
  • The report was published in advance of World Suicide Prevention Day, taking place on Wednesday.
  • Training takes place on a multilateral and bilateral basis with the South African Police Service.
  • You should own no book that you are afraid to mark up, or afraid to place on the table, wide open and face down.
    你害怕做上记号的书, 或者不敢摊开。
  • Posted by the Nevada Commission on Tourism, the site shows a different, more natural, side of what is perhaps the most artificial place on earth.




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