• 基本解释:样本风险
  • sample risk 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 样本冒险率

sample risk 相关例句更多>

  • A fasting serum sample will also be taken and tested for traditional risk factors.
  • He would never allow one of his own students to risk his or her life for such a sample.
  • They used it to get a representative sample of these asteroids that orbit the sun and have a risk of crossing Earths orbit.
    一些小行星环绕太阳飞行, 它们有穿越地球轨道的风险。
  • Indeed, if all goes well with current clinical trials, women at high risk for breast cancer will soon be able to be screened with a device that removes a sample of breast cells through the nipple.




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