• 单词发音:英 [ sleɪv ə'weɪ ]
  • 基本解释:埋头苦干
  • slave away 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 埋头苦干

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slave away 相关例句更多>

  • Jessia ran away with a former slave named Tom.
  • But he snatched Achilles'slave girl Briseis away in a masterful fashion.
  • All her adornment has been taken away. From being free, she has become a slave.
    城内一切点缀全被洗劫净尽, 昔日的自由城, 今日为人所奴役。
  • To clamber up the pecking order, some people slave away nights and weekends at the office.
  • The first international social movement was the abolitionist campaign to do away with slavery and the slave trade.
  • It is decreed that the city be exiled and carried away. Its slave girls moan like doves and beat upon their breasts.
    王后蒙羞, 被人掳去, 宫女捶胸, 哀呜如鸽。此乃命定之事。




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