• 单词发音:英 [ slaid wei ] 美 [ slaɪd we ]
  • 基本解释:滑槽,滑轨,导轨
  • slide way 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 滑槽,滑轨,导轨

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slide way 相关例句更多>

  • Design of Slide Way Section of Van
  • The tailstock on slide way gives maximum clamping stability.
  • Direction is strong for regulation line slide way, stiffness.
  • Z adopt pair of straight line slide way, stable, working accuracy of drive is high.
    三轴采用双直线导轨, 传动平稳, 运行精度高。
  • Navigation can often be awkward as you slip and slide your way across the river rapids.
    当你滑行着穿越河中激流时, 航行学就不起什么作用了。
  • Grindingcutter, reamer, disc tool, gear shaper cutter, slide way of machine tool and tool guide.
    铣刀 铰刀,盘形车刀,插齿刀,机床导轨和刀架。
  • Correction of a Systematic Error while Measuring the Acceleration of Gravity on the Air Cushion Slide Way
  • Modification of the first stage crosshead of air compressor and repair on the slide way of the equipment body
  • And along the way I met this real short guy at a slide show in the Silicon Valley. He came up to me afterwards.
    在硅谷做演讲时, 我认识了一个个子很矮的人。
  • The way that more of you are likely to die than the combination of all three of the others that you see on the slide.
    你们在游泳池中死亡的概率 比其它三个的总和还多




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