• 单词发音:英 [ sləu daun ] 美 [ slo daʊn ]
  • 基本解释:(使)慢下来;(使)生产缓慢, (使)变得迟钝
  • slow down 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • (使)慢下来
  • (使)生产缓慢, (使)变得迟钝
  • slow down 大小写变形: Slow down
  • slow down 词态变化: 第三人称单数: slows down过去式: slowed down过去分词: slowed down现在分词: slowing down

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slow down 相关例句更多>

  • Check or slow down the action or effect of.
  • Food will slow down the absorption of alcohol.
  • And then I actually slow down my whole nervous system.
  • I wound down the window and shouted at him to slow down.
    我摇下车窗, 大声叫他慢下来。
  • I'm like, Okay, all right, this guy is slowing down, I'll slow down too.
    我当时想,好吧 他减速了 那我也减速好了
  • And he told me, Don't do that. Go down immediately in order to slow down.
  • Monetary credit continues to grow more quickly, but add situation slow down.
  • Thankfully, this blackout reminded me to slow down and admire the beautiful night scenery.
    多亏了这场停电, 提醒我稍微停下脚步, 欣赏外面美丽的夜景。
  • Captains have been advised by maritime security experts not to slow down when pirates try to board.
  • In addition, the kelp in the alginic acid can slow down the intestinal absorption of radioactive strontium have been.




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