• 单词发音: 美 [ θrɪ taɪmz ]
  • 基本解释:[电影]最好的时光
  • three times 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • [电影]最好的时光

three times 相关例句更多>

  • Oral use, three capsules each time, three times a day.
    口服用, 每次三粒胶囊, 一天三次。
  • Three to the third power is three times three times three, which equals 27.
  • Please apply this medicine two or three drops to the eyes three times a day.
  • The Planet is about three times the size of Earth and about 6.5 times as massive.
  • Three disks would give you three times the throughput and a apparent seek time of a third.
  • The finest china in the world is burned at least three times, some of it more than three times.
    世上最精细的瓷器, 都至少经火烧过三次, 有的还不止三次。
  • going down to the south of Songhua Jiang for three times and safeguarding Linjiang for four times
  • For three times the flowers in our school have bloomed and fallen, and for three years I have studied here.
    花开花落已三秋, 我在此校学习已三载。
  • Washing bottles by water three times, gas two times, ensuring the bottle's cleanness and no water remained.
    洗瓶三水二气, 确保瓶子干净, 无残留水。
  • Tomorrow I'll have Papa make you kneel three times and kowtow nine times before photographs of my grandparents as a penalty.




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