• 单词发音:英 [ ˈseʃən end ] 美 [ ˈsɛʃən ɛnd ]
  • 基本解释:对话端
  • session end 是什么意思及中文翻译:
  • 对话端

session end 相关例句更多>

  • What will you ask at the beginning and end the session?
  • At the end of this session, each trainee will be able to
    培训结束后, 每位受训者应能做到
  • This will end your Network Client Administrator session.
  • When you end a session, applications with unsaved work will warn you.
  • Anyway, at the end of the qualifying session the car balance was quite good.
    不管怎么说, 赛车的平衡在排位赛最后相当不错。
  • End your session in a timely manner, and thank your audience for participating.
  • At the end of this session, each trainee will be able to use all equipment in MC office accurately.
  • The Session layer allows two applications on different computers to establish, use, and end a session.
  • On more than one occasion, I fell asleep and they had to push me out of the way at the end of the session.
    有好几次,我都睡着了 他们不得不在诊疗结束之后
  • An educational objective describes the expected behaviour of the participant in measurable terms at the end of the training session.




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